We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations, Inc.

I would like to offer a very informative link to an organization we, as a league are members. This organization is commonly called "CCO" and refers the Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations, Inc.

The CCO was chartered to educate member civic leagues about how better their community and how to ensure their voice is heard. Their Community Empowerment Taskforce provides regular programs on topics of interest to members and also serves as a mentor to members.

Please feel free to bookmark this site as they may post important issues that we, as your CCO representatives, are expected to vote on.

Most recently, there was a discussion and vote on tax rate reccommendations which will be sent to Jim Spore, the City Manager and Va. Beach City Council members. Please come to the next CAF meeting to hear a little about what the CCO body decided by vote.


Carolanne Farm Civic League Volunteer Form