We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


Minutes for May 8th CAF civic league meeting

Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Brenda A at Point of View Elementary School. Boy Scout Troop 499, under the direction of Dave A, presented the colors and led the pledge of allegiance. There were 31 in attendance. We observed a moment of silence for those impacted by the shootings at Virginia Tech.

Topic: Louise McC, from the American Red Cross, was invited to speak to us on emergency preparedness. The emergency could vary from a hurricane to a fire. There are 5 steps we all need to remember.

  • Make a plan - both a communication plan with family and loved ones and an evacuation plan. Make a contact list with numbers and emails, especially one out-of-state contact. Write your plan down and have a route of evacuation that you practice, whether it is from your house during a fire or out of town for a hurricane.
  • Build a kit - These are important items to include: water (1 gallon per person per day), food and manual can opener, flashlights and batteries, First Aid kit ( medicines), battery-powered radio, simple hand tools (screw driver, hammer), important papers in a plastic bag, duct tape and plastic sheeting. Other things that might be needed are cash and coins, pet supplies, extra clothing and bedding.
  • Get trained - Enroll in CPR, AED, First Aid, Baby Sitters Training, or Water Safety classes. You may be able to save a life one day.
  • Volunteer - Get involved. Our largest local disaster is the single family house fire.
  • Give Blood - We always need blood in disasters. People can give blood up to 6 times a year, every 56 days. The closest upcoming blood drive for our area is at Emanuel Church on Parliament Dr. on June 4th from 2-7pm.

For more information go to or (757) 446-7779

Hurricane season starts June 1st. In the event of a hurricane watch or warning, fill your gas tank, have your kit ready, watch local media, store extra water, close interior d00rs and "shelter in," and if power is lost, turn off your appliances.

Topic: Pierce G - President of the Brigadoon Civic League and a member of Roads Before Density. They are asking the city of Virginia Beach to review redevelopment plans in regards to the population density they will spawn. There is a vote on May 22nd at 6pm at city council. Mr. Pierce Granger asks that we email the mayor and ask her to not rezone Spence Farms until more examination has occurred.

Topic: Treasurer's Report - Wayne T

Wayne reports that we now have 82 voting members and $4180.59 in the treasury. He announced that the Council for Civic League Organizations met April 11th. Real estate taxes and immigration status of criminals were hot topics.

Topic: Crime Stats for Our Area and the June 23rd Safety Fair - Ginny P

Ginny broke down the latest crime stats for our area for March and April. The crimes included runaways, assaults, destruction of property, car theft, and a drug arrest. She invited everyone to attend, or volunteer to help, at the Safety Fair at Point of View Elementary on June 23rd from 10 to 2pm. She really needs two teams of helpers. One group would help from 9 until noon. The other group would help from noon until 3pm. Some of the groups/activities coming include a bike rodeo, CPR lessons, a monster firetruck, skin cancer screening, senior safety program, pool/water safety, and free hot dogs.

Topic: Real Estate Report - Scott W and Debbie B

A handout was distributed that showed the highest and lowest sale prices for our neighborhoods. Scott noted that it is still a seller's market, but that buyers have some reluctance. Our homes are still very desirable on the market and sell well when priced at market value. Prices ranged from $460,000 to 95,000. Time on the market ranged from one and a half to two months.

Topic: Announcements by Acting Chairperson, Brenda A

Our next meeting will be June 12 at Point of View Elementary. Our CAFCivic League blog will have the Instant Message feature turned on at all times, so you can contact the league. Our chairperson, Cherese J, resigned due to upcoming surgery and health issues. Brenda A, vice c0-chair, will serve in the chairperson capacity until elections in January. A raffle was held and three $25 certificates from Lucky Dogz were awarded to people present. We thank them for their generosity and support. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Carole B, Secretary for CAFCivicLeague

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