We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


September 13 Civic League Meeting

The September 13, Thursday, meeting of the Carolanne Farms Civic League was held at Arrowhead Elementary School at 7pm. It was called to order by Brenda A. Colors were presented and the Pledge of Allegience was led by the Boy Scout Troop 499 under the leadership of Dave Alcorn. The attendance was approximately 50.

Topic: Welcome and Announcements

Brenda checked to see if all were receiving the CFCL mailings. She also encouraged them to sign up for email alerts on this blog site. Tesoro, a neighborhood business partner, was thanked for creating our new yellow signs, helping us get cell phones, and paying for the latest membership drive mailing. We appreciate all of their help!

Brenda also discussed the "Share Your Light Night," when we all light luminaries in our yard as a sign of neighborhood friendship and unity. It went over well last year and was indeed beautiful to see. This year it is trying to become city-wide, as all Virginia Beach neighborhoods and civic leagues are being invited to participate. The type of luminary stand and candle has been made safer and is reusable. The luminary night is December 16. However, NOW is the time to be ordering, so you can get the best price and receive them on time. This can be done by contacting Brenda A now and possibly at the next civic league meeting. We would like to have as many pledges or orders placed by October 1 as possible.

Topic: Jeff Jensen on Crime in our League Area

Jeff Jensen, a neighbor and VB Police Officer, gave an analysis of crime over the past three years in the Carolanne Farms Civic League area. Larceny in vehicles continues to be a problem area. This could be averted by simply locking our cars. The Carolanne Farms Park on Gainsborough continues to be an area for drugs, park destruction, and curfew violations by minors. There was an instance of a "Peeping Tom" on and near Susquehanna Drive. Be alert and call either 911 or the non-emergencey number, 385-5000.

Jeff also says he will come by your home and evaluate how safe it is and whether there are simple improvements you might want to make. If you are interested in this free service by VB Police, call Jeff at 385-1338.

Committee Formation: A committee was formed to look into ways to make the park less crime-ridden, more user friendly, and also perserve it's widelife conservation features. Marie K has agreed to chair the committee and would love to have any interested members participate. You can contact Brenda A and let her know you would like to help.

Topic: Treasury Report and NEW RECORD!!

Wayne T gave the Treasurer's report with all expenses and earnings recorded. The current balance in the treasury is $2845.38 as of August 31, 2007. The new record was set in membership when the total was recorded as 97 as of this meeting! This is the highest number of recorded members! We all know we can do better! It's easy to join and we all should have a say in what happens in our neighborhoods. Please plan to join at the next meeting. We'd love to have you!

Topic: Brenda B things to come

Brenda B would like to see us develop a small 4th of July (or Memorial Day) neighborhood parade. Children, pets, bikes, wagons, and refreshments would be major components. Also, she would like to develop a directory of services special to our area and it's members. Items like local lawnmower repair, babysitters, cake decorators, catering, crafters, etc. and their phone numbers or emails. Anyone who thinks they can help with either of these, please contact Brenda B.

Topic: Two Committees and Members to Help on them Needed! Come one, Come all!!

Ginny P, who regularly reports on Gang Activity in our area, also heads the Neighborhood Watch Committee. She has been giving up her Sundays for months, collecting signatures in the various Zones of our neighborhood district. These signatures will earn your section a Neighborhood Watch sign from the Virginia Beach Police for free. Research shows that areas with these signs have less crime. These signs tell theives that we look out for one another and will report strange or unusual people or activity. Ginny desperately needs more volunteers. If you cannot meet on Sundays to canvas areas, perhaps you could agree to gather signatures on your street or your street plus the street beside it. Even that much would help immensely.

Finally, new officers will need to be voted on and installed in January of the new year, 2008. We need a 3 member nominating team who will gather names and organize voting for available candidates. The officer positions and the jobs for each will be posted on this blog for you to see. If you think you can help with this committee, please see an officer at the next CFCL meeting or contact our president, Brenda A.

Topic: Arrowhead School and Mrs. Garrett

The meeting ended with a huge thank-you to Mrs. Garrett, the staff, and custodians at Arrowhead Elementary School. They have been so cordial and helpful to us. ALL of our yearly meetings will be held at Arrowhead Elementary School this year. Ways that we could help the school would be to save soup can labels, box tops, and Farm Fresh receipts to give to the school. The secretary at the school can tell you exactly what kinds to save. Also, Mrs. Garrett says she occasionally needs extra hands to help with some weed pulling in the front of the school at various times of the year. This would take no more than 30 minutes. If you can help with any of these we would all be very grateful.

The CFCL meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at Arrowhead. Look for the new and attractive yellow signs to remind you that a meeting is coming!

Respectfully submitted by Carole B, CFCL Secretary

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