We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


Minutes for October 11, 2007 CFCL meeting

The Carolanne Farms Civic League meeting was held at Arrrowhead Elementary School on October 11th at 7pm. Brenda A. called the meeting to order. Jeff C lead the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts as they presented the colors and led the pledge of allegiance. The number present was 46.

Topic: Thank you! Thank you!

Brenda wanted everyone to know that the Carolanne Farms Civic League thanks and applauds every member, visitor, volunteer, and contributor. Tesoro Corporation on Challedon Dr. continues to be a generous business partner. They are much appreciated! Knowing how busy life keeps us all, even one small effort from a member can go a long way. For example, signing up just your street for our neighborhood watch campaign and turning in the signatures to Ginny P, will get us closer to our goal of watch signs for Carolanne Farms.

The Carolanne Farms Park Committee (Marie K, Blair S, and Ruth B) reported that they have met with Jeff Eaton, a crime prevention officer. Ideas and suggestions for the park will be shared at the November meeting. Mr. Eaton will speak at our meeting on November 8th.

Topic: Treasurer and Membership Report

Wayne T reported that the league now has 102 members! This is a new record! The treasury balance for September 30th is $3120.38.

Topic: "Share Your Light Night"

This year will be the First Annual Viginia Beach wide "Share Your Light Night" on December 16, Sunday, at 7pm. (The rain date is December 22nd.) Our hope is that city-wide, neighbors will light luminary tealight candles in their yards as a proud display of neighborhood unity. This event started last year with Carolanne Farms Civic League and has been warmly received by the city.

Safer and reusable luminaries are available this year. Ten bags, lights, and bases will cost $17.50 and 20 bags, lights, and bases will be $30.00. Neighbors can go in together to purchase the $30 set and share the pieces. ($15 each) Units will be available at future meetings and possibly at local businesses. (Ex. Food Lion) Scott and Debbie B will be chairing the luminary committee. We hope everyone will get involved and participate!

Topic: New Officers to be Voted in

Three volunteers are needed to coordinate the slate of officers to be voted on in early 2008. Some of the current officers have agreed to serve again. However, all positions are open and available to any interested members. Please contact Brenda A if you can serve on this committee.

Topic: Crime Report

Ginny P gave a September crime report. Carolanne Farms had 12 incidents. The largest crime occurring was car vandalism. Keeping our cars locked and valuables out of sight will help in this area.

Topic: Garden Club Donations and School Donations

We hope to create a garden club by next spring. Do you have a green thumb? If you are thinning out plant beds and have extra plants that you could donate, we would like to use them to beautify common areas in our neighborhood. Contact Brenda A.

Finally, we can help Arrowhead School by donating Campbell soup labels, General Mills box tops, and Farm Fresh grocery receipts. If you have these, please bring them to the meetings. They will be so grateful.

Our next meeting is November 8th at Arrowhead Elementary. Our speaker is Jeff Eaton.

Respectfully submitted: Carole B, League Secretary

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