We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


January 10 CFCL Minutes

Our January 10th meeting was held at Arrowhead Elementary School. Brenda called the meeting to order at 7:10. The boy scouts were not in attendance, so Brenda led us in the pledge. The attendance was 29.

First Topic: Wayne Troester and Treasury Report

The main expenses during the month of December were listed as a neighborhood mailing of the newsletter (1900 homes), paying for the illuminaries, and tickets to the VBCCO dinner for officers and award nominees. The current balance is $1890.18.

Topic: Carolanne Farms Park Update

Due to a low number of returns of the park survey on the website and in the newsletter, surveys were passed out to attendees to gather their responses at the meeting. A speaker will come to the February meeting to discuss and answer questions about possible solutions to crime at the park. The league would like to sponsor minor improvements that might increase the number of people legitamitely using the park.

Topic: Elections Held

Wayne Troester officiated in our election of officers. Members voted and some nominations from the floor were received. Here are the results.

Chairman: Brenda A
Co-Chairman: Andrea W
Recording Secretary: Carole B
Communication Secretary: Susan H
Treasurer: Wayne T
Historian: John S IV
Auditor: Jennifer B

Ginny P has agreed to remain as head of the Safety and Security Committee. She still needs members to help with the Neighborhood Watch project. Your assistance would be much appreciated.

At the banquet on Friday night, John S was chosen to receive the Outstanding Youth Award of Virginia Beach. Carolanne Farms Civic League received the Community Action Award for our efforts at revitalization. Brenda A received special recognition, a star award, for her work in "Share the Light Night" that went citywide this year. We were all very proud of our civic league and the work of its members. We have a total of 129 members now! Congratulations to everyone!

Topic: Next Meeting February 14th

Our next meeting will be February 14th. Because of the special significance of this day, all members (even those who join on this night) will be elligible for door prizes that include dinners at nice restaurants. Everyone come! You might be the lucky ones! See you there!

Your Recording Secretary: Carole B

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