We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.



Thank You Arrowhead Elementary

From the top down, Arrowhead is an impressive school. It is very well run as we have first hand knowledge. We've intimately come to know this to be true while working side-by-side with them as we both support our community and their families.

The most accurate way to evaluate an organization is how they handle adversity; how they handle situations when things don't go exactly as they should. We've had a few opportunities to work through situations such as those and through them, both the league and AES became even more dedicated to one another.

While working together over the past year and a half, we offer high compliments to all people who make AES special; Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. VonMosh, AES's PTA, the office staff (Carolyn, Jannie, etc...). I can go on and on, but you get the point.

Thanks ARROWHEAD ELEMENTARY again... for helping bring our community together. You offer more than a venue. You have made the league feel as if you are our partner in supporting our community and their families, no matter if they have children attending the school or not.

WE APPRECIATE YOU. THANK YOU for another great year. As June will be our last meeting this school year, we'll see you again in September.


Carolanne Farm Civic League Volunteer Form