We meet once a quarter (November, February, May, and August) at Carrow Baptist Church on the first Tuesday of the month, 7PM.


Minutes for November 8th CFCL Meeting

Our meeting was called to order at Arrowhead Elem. School by Brenda A. The boy scouts, Troop 499, led by Dave A presented the flags, colors, and pledge. Our attendance was 34.

Topic: Neighborhood Watch Makes a Difference! Crime is UP!

Ginny P had some startling news as she gave crime statistics. Carolanne Farms had 29 incidents and Arrowhead had 16 crime incidents. Coventry Rd is being hit hardest by systematic burglaries committed during the day. Hatteras Rd had a door kicked in and a 50" TV stolen. Bosworth Rd. had a weapon discharged from a vehicle. A 94 white Laredo approached a child and tried to entice him into the car. All of these beg for neighbor to look out for neighbor. Call the nonemergency number of 385-5000 if you are at all suspicious of something on your street. Try to get descriptions and vehicle tag numbers if possible. Some of these are suspected of being committed by youths that should be in school.

Ginny renewed her plea for people to volunteer and help her get signatures for our neighborhood watch signs from the police department. A group gathers for a short while on Sundays and travels door to door in one area at a time. If you can help Ginny or will volunteer (for your block) to gather signatures, contact Ginny Passaris.

Topic: Next meeting is a social with holiday goodies! Also pick up luminaries!

December 13 will be a holiday social with cookies, muffins, cakes, and drinks! We will be at Arrowhead Elementary School at 7:00pm. Please join us! The luminary supplies will be here. We would love to visit with you and have you collect your supplies from us. You can still order these from the league and join us all for a Share Your Light Night on December 16. This will be a citywide event.

Topic: Jeff Eaton, Crime Prevention Specialist, discusses Carolanne Farms Park

Jeff suggests that residents take ownership of the park. Find neighborhood wide functions to have there. If responsible people will frequently use the park, the illegal users will go elsewhere. They want to go where there are few people to see what they are doing.

Topic: Treasurer's Report

Wayne T, Treasurer, reported that there is currently $2356.81 in the civic league account. Newsletters accounted for over $800 of our expenditures. We have sold 700 luminary packs. Our goal is 2000. The league membership total is at 109.

Topic: January Elections

If you would like to run for an office or serve on a committee to elect new officers in January, please contact Brenda A. We would love to have you get involved.

*A special thank you goes out to John Suttle for his display of pictures from the Spring Safety Fair. They were great, John! :)

Minutes posted by Carole B, Civic League Secretary

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